June 17, 2021

automation and tale of 2 sidees

Automation and tale of 2 sides.

Automation is now a day’s most talked about and most fantasised about it was in the 90’s when mass population came  to know about automation through future prediction movies and also some factory at that time using machine in some places rather than  human. This was first used in ford motor factory which first lead to appreciation as production time reduced and mass production became more easy and cost effective but lead to less workforce and many lost there job.

But back then every one termed it techonolgical unemployment which will not last as we human adapt to it and make things more simple and hard labour free those who lost job in that sector trained and adapted to it and new jobs originated as supervisor and engineering sector saw a boom back then the pace of automat was not as speedy as it is today the automation which has lead to price reduction and mass production is  now also affecting many as today technology is far advanced as compare to then for example when technological advancement came which is considered as the laying ground of new era of automation and machine learning as in computer it was appreciated but  nobody realised the thereat it possessed as computer staring bringing world closer many has their job sacked as it became outdated like postcard are now  a thing of past , emails have replaced them.

In today’s time we are going through the same phase and transition where fully automated factories and industries are in news now and then and the development and investment in automation and its ancillary are growing tremendously but as some like it and has also termed this phenomenon as the 4th industrial revolution , but every things comes with a price as things get more automated the competition will rise tremendously some writer, theory and past studies suggest that if one industries get innovation then other new business outlook get created as  part of it but it might not be this simple this time as of now researcher are trying to create a “perfect machine to build machine”.

This might sound cool but is very problematic at its core  as it might eliminate the need of human  intervention and this might lead to grim situation. Where the one with resource might not will to share and the wealth can get more and more concentrated and jobs requirement criteria will rise and expectation from employees might also rise, but as we have seen more automation and Ai are consumer centric and service centric this will increase the number of gig economic worker. Further it will also increase the living standard as prices will come down. As a human we fear change but will also adapt to it that’s what’s matters at last.

Aishwarya Says:

I have always been against Glorifying Over Work and therefore, in the year 2021, I have decided to launch this campaign “Balancing Life”and talk about this wrong practice, that we have been following since last few years. I will be talking to and interviewing around 1 lakh people in the coming 2021 and publish their interview regarding their opinion on glamourising Over Work.

If you are interested in participating in the same, do let me know.

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The copyright of this Article belongs exclusively to Ms. Aishwarya Sandeep. Reproduction of the same, without permission will amount to Copyright Infringement. Appropriate Legal Action under the Indian Laws will be taken.

If you would also like to contribute to my website, then do share your articles or poems at adv.aishwaryasandeep@gmail.com

We also have a Facebook Group Restarter Moms for Mothers or Women who would like to rejoin their careers post a career break or women who are enterpreneurs.

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