February 15, 2023

Dealing with blocked nose for your child, here are few tips and tricks


For any mother, the worst nightmare is when her child is unwell. Being a mother of a toddler, the worst that can happen to a child are common cold and cough. Though, we face it almost every month, sometimes, the cold prolongs for a month, the thought of which itself is scary.

Whenever, my son gets catches cold, I go berserk. The first question, that pops out in my mind is what he ate in the past 48 hours to one week or what was that one activity that he did new in the last one week. After analysing that situation, my next step is usually to avoid that particular food for next few days. For example, I have noticed, that when my kid eats certain type of fried food he immediately gets a rough throat. Initially, the incidents of cough and cold were less but as he started growing up and started to consumer almost anything and everything (irrespective of it being edible or inedible), the incidents of cough and cold increased.

With babies, they are even more cranky and irritated, when they are unwell basically because they do not understand, what is happening to them and cannot express it. They are sleep deprived, blocked nose also reduced their food intake, thus making them lose a few kgs in some cases. A cranky baby makes my heart bleed.

Sometimes, when he has extreme cough and cold, here are few remedies that I use, along with the doctor’s prescribed medicines:

  1. Make him drink lukewarm water with a pinch of salt and turmeric in it, it provides instant relief to the throat;                            
  2. Just take a Teaspoon of Honey and add a pinch of Turmeric and give it about 4-5 times;                              
  3. If your child also refuses to take steam, (which is something that is difficult), but has a blocked nose, then just wipe his face with warm towel especially near his nose area;                                                  
  4. The other home remedy that I use is to apply vapour rub on my palms, rub them hard and make him breath it, also warm my palms and cover his chest with the same;
  5. Or the other thing that I use as an alternative is Nasivion Drops, which was recommended to me by my doctor, as you can buy it only after a doctor prescribes.

Directions to use Nasivion – (consult your paediatrician before using the product)

  • for 0-1 years : Nasivion®Mini 0.01% Nose Drops – Up to the age of 4 weeks, instil 1 drop of the solution into each nostril 2-3 times per day. From the 5th week of life until the age of 1 year, instil 1-2 drops into each nostril 2-3 times per day or as directed by the physician.
  • for 1-6 years : Nasivion® Child 0.025% Nose Drops – instil 1-2 drops into each nostril 2-3 times per day or as directed by the physician.

To know more about Nasivion, please visit website – click here

I generally use all the home remedies, depending on the intensity of his blocked nose. But Nasivion Drops are something that has given me better results as compared to other home remedies.

*** I am not a medical expert, this is just my observation.

P.C. NewHealthGuide.org, parenting.com, pregnancytoparenting.ca, readersdigest, steptohealth.com, videoblocks,wimp.com, mchemist

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