December 15, 2021



A shelter home can be described as a place to take refuge or a temporary arrangement if you are in urgent need or emergency. These shelter homes also serve as government-aided hostels. People who are vulnerable or homeless or are in an emergency situation, they can approach their nearest shelter homes. It is the responsibility of the government to protect the homeless and neglected members of the society. The Juvenile Justice Act empowers state governments to recognise organizations and provide them assistance, to set up and run shelter homes for children, women and other people, who are in need of care and protection. These shelter homes also function as a drop-in-centers and night shelters for people who are in urgent need of support. It provides a provision of temporary refuge with supportive services in compliance with regard to applicable State or Tribal law or regulations governing the provision, on a regular basis, of shelter, safe homes, meals, and supportive services to victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents., It is offered on a 24‑hour, seven‑day per week basis to victims of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault and their children. It may include housing provision, rental subsidies, temporary refuge, or lodging in properties that could be individual units for families and individuals (such as apartments) in multiple locations around a local jurisdiction, Tribe/reservation, or State; such properties are not required to be owned, operated, or leased by the program. Temporary refuge includes a residential service, including shelter and off-site services such as hotel or motel vouchers or individual dwellings, which is not transitional or permanent housing, but must also provide comprehensive supportive services. The mere act of making a referral to shelter or housing shall not itself be considered provision of shelter. Thus,  the other jurisdictional laws conflict with this definition of temporary refuge, the definition which provides more expensive housing accessibility governs.


The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act , 2005  has both explicitly and implicitly  defined the essential duties of the shelter homes. 

Section 6 of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, clearly mentions the duties of shelter homes.— If an aggrieved person or on her behalf a Protection Officer or a service provider requests the person in charge of a shelter home to provide shelter to her, such person in charge of the shelter home shall provide shelter to the aggrieved person in the shelter home

Section 30 in The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007

30 Shelter Homes. 

(1) For children in urgent need of care and protection, such as street children and run-away children, the State Government shall support creation of a requisite number of shelter homes or drop-in-centers through the voluntary organizations.

(2) Shelter homes shall include: (g) short-stay homes for children needing temporary shelter, care and protection for a maximum period of one year, *(h) transitional homes providing immediate care and protection to a child for a maximum period of four months, *(i) 24 hour drop-in-centers for children needing daycare or night shelter facilities.

(3) The shelter homes or drop-in-centers shall have the minimum facilities of boarding and lodging, besides the provision for fulfillment of basic needs in terms of clothing, food, health care and nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation.


The role of shelter homes are crucial for establishing the principles of justice and equality in society. There are numerous roles if shelter home and they are as follows : 

  1. Shelter homes provide protection, services and resources, which enable a person who has experienced abuse to recover from the violence, to rebuild one’s self-esteem and to take steps to regain an independent and self-determined life.
  1. Shelter homes increase awareness and understanding related to gender-based violence and violations of human rights.
  1. Shelter homes assist women who leave situations of violence, to maneuver the police, judicial and social service systems, to access the critical support and protection provided by these institutions.
  1. Shelter homes should educate health and judicial providers, as well as social service and security personnel, among other professionals, to recognise violence against women.
  1. The shelter home should keep security concerns in mind without violating the children’s right to privacy. For example: CCTV cameras in common areas, entrances and exits.
  1. Under the Juvenile Justice Act, the State government must designate an inspection committee for the state and district, that carries out random inspections and recommends improvements.
  1. Shelter homes must keep a child centered design in mind during both planning and execution. This includes other important factors such as first aid, general cleanliness and hygiene, nutritious food etc.
  1. The State governments are also required to conduct detailed investigation in cases where provisional registration has been granted to shelter homes. This is initially for 1 month to 6 month period of time, during which the government will inspect if the institution is fulfilling the criteria or not. If it is, then the certificate will be issued for 5 years and renewed after another 5 years. Otherwise, no certificate will be issued.


Shelters provide secure accommodation for women and girls who are at risk of or have been subjected to violence, although they contribute far more than just a safe place to stay. Shelters provide essential aspects of protection, services and resources which enable women who have experienced abuse and their children to recover from the violence, to rebuild self-esteem, and to take steps to regain a self-determined and independent life. It increases awareness among girls and sex workers with regard to their rights and duties towards the society. Thus, we can say that the duties of shelter homes are wide and they contribute a lot to the development of society.



Aishwarya Says:

I have always been against Glorifying Over Work and therefore, in the year 2021, I have decided to launch this campaign “Balancing Life”and talk about this wrong practice, that we have been following since last few years. I will be talking to and interviewing around 1 lakh people in the coming 2021 and publish their interview regarding their opinion on glamourising Over Work.

If you are interested in participating in the same, do let me know.

Do follow me on FacebookTwitter  Youtube and Instagram.

The copyright of this Article belongs exclusively to Ms. Aishwarya Sandeep. Reproduction of the same, without permission will amount to Copyright Infringement. Appropriate Legal Action under the Indian Laws will be taken.

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We also have a Facebook Group Restarter Moms for Mothers or Women who would like to rejoin their careers post a career break or women who are enterpreneurs.

We are also running a series Inspirational Women from January 2021 to March 31,2021, featuring around 1000 stories about Indian Women, who changed the world. #choosetochallenge

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