February 21, 2024

FDI in Healthcare: Transforming the Indian Medical Industry

This article has been written by Ms. Geetu, a 2nd Year student of Geeta Institute of Law, Panipat.

This Article is all about the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Direct Investment in Healthcare and how Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)  transform the Indian Medical Industry. There is a direct investment from foreign countries in the sector of  healthcare which leads to the transformation in the Indian Medical Industry. 

What is Healthcare?

Healthcare refers to the system in which medical treatment of individuals is provided and received. Healthcare systems such as hospital networks provide health care to people. An example scenario of the difference between the two is as follows.

  • A patient receives health care services such as a physical exam from a doctor and antibiotics when ill from a healthcare system such as an urgent care facility.
  • The doctor in that scenario is providing the patient with health care, and the doctor works in a healthcare facility.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Healthcare

The literature has often framed the discussion on FDI and health under three broad and inter-related dimensions – access, quality and public-private competition. The main benefits of FDI in the health sector can be described as increasing access to health care by making more medical goods and services available in a country. The inflow of investment can increase physical capacity, alleviate supply shortages, and enlarge the scope of health services available in a country, while also contributing to more technology and medical knowledge. The increase in physical capacity and infrastructure can be particularly useful in developing countries that may suffer from under-investment in the health sector, while also potentially bringing in means of production that can replace expensive imports or fill gaps in the medical supply chain. FDI is often regarded as a crucial opportunity for countries’ health systems that face constraints or difficulties in public financing since it frees up public resources that can be redirected to other urgent areas of need.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the healthcare sector in India has been steadily increasing over the years. It has helped in improving the quality of healthcare services and infrastructure. FDI allows for the establishment of new hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities, as well as the introduction of advanced medical technologies and treatments. It’s definitely a positive development for the healthcare sector in India.

 FDI in healthcare impacted the affordability of healthcare services in India

FDI in healthcare has had a mixed impact on the affordability of healthcare services in India. While it has brought in advanced technologies and improved infrastructure, it has also led to the commercialization of healthcare, making some services more expensive. However, FDI has also increased competition, which can help drive down prices and make healthcare more accessible. It’s a complex issue, but overall, FDI has contributed to the growth and development of the healthcare sector in India.

Challenges faced by the healthcare sector due to FDI

Some challenges faced by the healthcare sector due to FDI include:

  1. Inequality: FDI may lead to the concentration of healthcare facilities and resources in urban areas, leaving rural and underserved regions with limited access to quality healthcare.
  2. Affordability: As mentioned earlier, the commercialization of healthcare due to FDI can make certain services more expensive, potentially making them less affordable for some individuals.
  3. Brain drain: FDI can attract skilled healthcare professionals to work in foreign-owned facilities, leading to a shortage of qualified healthcare workers in domestic healthcare institutions.
  4. Regulatory concerns: Ensuring proper regulation and oversight of foreign-owned healthcare facilities can be a challenge, as it requires effective monitoring to maintain quality standards and patient safety.

It’s important to address these challenges to ensure equitable access to healthcare and maintain the quality of services.

How can the government promote affordable healthcare amidst FDI?

The government can promote affordable healthcare amidst FDI by implementing certain measures:

  1. Price regulation: The government can set price caps on essential healthcare services and medicines to ensure affordability for all.
  2. Subsidies and incentives: The government can provide subsidies and incentives to healthcare providers who offer services at affordable rates, encouraging them to prioritize affordability.
  3. Investment in public healthcare: The government can focus on strengthening public healthcare infrastructure and facilities, especially in rural and underserved areas, to ensure access to affordable healthcare for all.
  4. Skill development and retention: The government can invest in training and retaining skilled healthcare professionals, offering incentives for them to work in underserved areas and improving access to quality healthcare.
  5. Collaboration with private sector: The government can collaborate with private healthcare providers to create public-private partnerships that focus on providing affordable healthcare services.

By implementing these measures, the government can promote affordable healthcare while also harnessing the benefits of FDI in the healthcare sector.

How FDI is transforming Indian medical industry?

FDI is transforming the Indian medical industry in several ways. It has brought in advanced medical technologies, equipment, and expertise, leading to improved healthcare services and treatments. FDI has also encouraged the establishment of new hospitals, clinics, and specialized healthcare facilities, expanding access to quality healthcare across the country. Additionally, FDI has stimulated competition, which can drive innovation and efficiency in the medical industry. Overall, FDI has played a significant role in the growth and transformation of the Indian medical industry.

How much FDI is allowed in the health sector?

As per the extant FDI Policy, 100% foreign investment is allowed under automatic route in greenfield pharmaceutical projects. In brownfield pharmaceutical projects, FDI upto 74% are allowed under the automatic route and Government approval is required for investment beyond 74%.

What are some examples of advanced medical technologies brought in by FDI?

Some examples of advanced medical technologies brought in by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)  include:

  1. Robotic Surgery Systems: These advanced systems enable precise and minimally invasive surgical procedures, reducing complications and recovery time.
  2. Advanced Imaging Equipment: FDI has introduced state-of-the-art imaging technologies like MRI, CT scans, and PET scans, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.
  3. Telemedicine: FDI has facilitated the adoption of telemedicine technologies, enabling remote consultations, monitoring, and diagnosis, especially in rural and remote areas.
  4. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Systems: FDI has supported the implementation of EMR systems, digitizing patient records for efficient and secure access to medical information.
  5. Advanced Diagnostic Tools: FDI has brought in cutting-edge diagnostic tools such as genetic testing, molecular diagnostics, and point-of-care testing, enhancing disease detection and personalized treatment.

These advanced technologies have significantly improved healthcare delivery and patient outcomes in India.

Technologies which have been introduced through FDI

Through FDI, several advanced medical technologies have been introduced in the Indian health sector. These include state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment, advanced surgical techniques, telemedicine, electronic health records, and more. These technologies have helped improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services in India.

Impact of FDI in health sector on GDP of India

FDI in the health sector has had a positive impact on the GDP of India. The investments made by multinational companies and foreign investors have led to the growth and expansion of the healthcare industry. This, in turn, has contributed to the overall economic development of the country, increasing the GDP. The improved healthcare infrastructure, advanced technologies, and increased access to quality healthcare services have all played a role in boosting the GDP of India. FDI in the health sector has had a significant impact on the GDP of India. The investments made by multinational companies and foreign investors have led to the expansion of healthcare facilities, which has increased the overall healthcare spending in the country. This increased spending contributes to the GDP growth. Additionally, the growth of the healthcare industry creates job opportunities, stimulates economic activity, and attracts further investments. All these factors combined contribute to the positive impact of FDI on the GDP of India.

How has FDI impacted healthcare infrastructure in India?

FDI has played a crucial role in improving healthcare infrastructure in India,With foreign investments, advanced technologies, state-of-the-art medical equipment, and modern facilities have been introduced. This has led to the development of world-class hospitals, diagnostic centers, and specialized healthcare institutions across the country. The increased investment in healthcare infrastructure has enhanced the quality of healthcare services, improved patient care, and expanded access to advanced medical treatments. FDI has truly transformed the healthcare infrastructure in India for the better.

What are the challenges faced in implementing FDI in rural healthcare?

Implementing FDI in rural healthcare does come with some challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of proper infrastructure and resources in rural areas. Building healthcare facilities and ensuring access to quality healthcare services in remote locations can be a logistical challenge. Additionally, there may be a shortage of skilled healthcare professionals in rural areas, which can affect the delivery of healthcare services. It’s important for the government and stakeholders to address these challenges and develop strategies to overcome them, ensuring that the benefits of FDI in healthcare reach rural communities as well.

Benefits of FDI in Medical Industry

FDI has brought several benefits to the medical industry in India. It has led to the introduction of advanced medical technologies and equipment, which has improved the quality of healthcare services. FDI has also facilitated collaborations between Indian and foreign healthcare providers, leading to knowledge sharing and skill development. Additionally, FDI has increased competition in the medical industry, driving innovation and efficiency. Overall, FDI has played a significant role in transforming the Indian medical industry, bringing in advancements and raising the standards of healthcare. FDI in the medical industry has had a profound impact on various aspects. It has encouraged the establishment of specialized hospitals and healthcare institutions, allowing patients to access advanced treatments and specialized care. The introduction of cutting-edge medical technologies and equipment has improved diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcomes. Moreover, FDI has fostered collaborations between Indian and foreign healthcare providers, leading to the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and best practices. This has contributed to the overall growth and development of the medical industry in India.

Top FDI business functions in medical devices

Sales, administration and marketing was the business function that attracted the highest number of greenfield FDI projects in medical devices in 2019 and 2020. Manufacturing was a close second, with R&D a long way behind in third.

Top sectors for FDI in medical devices

Medical and dental instruments and supplies, which includes any piece of medical or dental equipment that is non-electric, was the top sector when it came to FDI projects in medical devices in 2019 and 2020.

Where are the leading investors in medical devices located?

The US was the top investor when it came to backing FDI projects in medical devices in 2019 and 2020, followed by Germany. Other leading source countries for FDI projects in medical devices were Canada, China, France, Ireland, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK.



In conclusion, FDI in the health sector in India has brought significant positive changes. It has improved access to healthcare services, enhanced the quality of medical facilities, and introduced advanced technologies. FDI has also stimulated competition, leading to innovation and efficiency in the industry. However, challenges such as infrastructure development and addressing the healthcare gap in rural areas remain. Overall, FDI has played a crucial role in transforming the Indian health sector, but continued efforts are needed to ensure equitable and affordable healthcare for all.




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