March 23, 2022

India and Nepotism


Indian politics cannot be a career, but a family business. If your daddy is an MP or MLA, then you are going to regard the constituency as a heritage. When the time for the general election comes round for electing an applicant party to hand out tickets to the folks of MPs as though they are a family legacy.  

In every part of India, whichever party you look at, nepotism is spreading like wildfire. Merit, data in public life, skills, character, knowledge, are all besides that point. You will get a ticket if you have the right surname.  

Meaning and Nature 

The word ‘nepotism’ comes from the Italian word ‘nepotism’ which in turn comes from ‘nipote’ which means ‘nephew’. It has a connection a few centuries back in Europe as the extra advantages avail oneself by the nephews of the popes. Simply, it originated with the functions of nephews to prominent positions by Catholic popes and bishops. Although in many cases these ‘nephews’ used to be their illegitimate sons. Therefore, nepotism is correctly interpreted in Hindi as “भाईभतीजावाद” or “कुलपक्षपात”.  

Nepotism can also be said as favouritism it is acknowledged to relatives and friends in various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, fitness, religion, sports, and other activities. It can be narrated as an act of making use of connections to get an excessive bias for constituents of one’s group.  

Although India is a democratic country; Nepotism has always existed in the blood of Indian politics. Numerous factors have come up with to have it, but the first one is being its citizens. Some might strongly agree with it but some might not. The truth will remain the same the people of India have always been used to being dominated.

 Even today, the same mindset still subsists because most Indian citizens are still illiterate. In conclusion, it makes usual for them to elect their political representatives with an idea deep-rooted in Nepotism. It has become a serious and prominent issue that needs to be instantly and strongly solved.  

While in Indian politics, it is amazing that in fact the expertise being kept is mainly associated with the family lineage, even it is not opposed by the general public. In a realistic view, these leaning attempts to fill 100% seats of power with the family elites. If this political Nepotism isn’t stopped at right time, corruption in the country will never end and it will keep on rising as ever.  

Believe it or not, for his family, a person is not isolated but a lucky piece and the family are his fighting force. Everyone should have a right to stand a fair opportunity in all professional lines. Possibly when there will be no obstacles at all and are removed, at that time only smart and talented politicians are going to be chosen irrespective of the family background. At that time, it will turn and take our country to new heights. 

The question is “Why does nepotism survive still today?”  

We all live in a time where everybody attempts to oppose on the way to hierarchical legacy but struggles to protests in regards to such an undertaken of authority. On the wider range, the said is the intact civilization’s point of view when it reaches the leads of nepotism. But while we do so, we outlook that authority that does not guarantee talent or skill.  

Is Nepotism increasing?  

Of course, it is rising as the same as the population is increasing.  

It is a curse for the country the reason behind it is that we have so many people well educated, extremely talented, and with skills. But some of them don’t even get the opportunity to enter Indian politics. It is because people are being biased and are occupying the higher authority. They choose one of their relatives over any other talented one for any position.  

 Nepotism is like a sexually transmitted disease from the upper cast, the disease is now deeply rooted in the body politic. The Indian elite is a system where there is a 100 percent reservation for its DNA-centric material. Business, politics, mainstream cinema, and other occupations where the talent is associated with lineage are influenced by family trusts, who plant their own over the rest. Only a young Indian who is not supported by a family trust will value the simple fact that he or she does not challenge other young generations for a chance of a better and decent life but with whole families.   

In the present-day Indian political families, the most dazzling example is Rahul Gandhi who is the great-grandson of Pt. Nehru, the grandson of the late prime minister Indira Gandhi and the son of the late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi. For over six decades, the ruling Congress Party was run by the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. It is responsible for exiting the Nehru empire into a ruling regulation of Indian politics. Despite this, all the other parties have approved pretty expertly too at considering the Indian politics like family fiefdoms. The Indian is less an individual and more the charm and shine of his family background — much the way Rahul Gandhi is the luck piece of the Gandhi empire.  

How can India get rid of Nepotism in Politics?  

For this, the political party should and must have followed some ethics in politics. There should have a strict procedure to keep a check on nepotism. Even in the appointment of people for a certain position, there should be no such choice in party posts and government posts. Especially in regards to the Minister or the Chief Minister enjoying power in offices to appoint people. There should be an appointment of the Ethics committee to check the past and present skills and qualifications of the candidates who join their party just to contest the elections.  

What are the impacts of nepotism?  

  • It is believed that in the democracy of India, the political spectrum is full of dynasts. It usually deteriorates the Indian democratic system and the democracy of India and itself faces legitimacy crises. The outcome is radial anti-state movements like the Naxalite and Maoist movements. 
  • It also breaks down the Indian governance system as the scarcity of quality administrators at every stage of inherits and it worsens to a straight-up good governance system.  
  • Due to nepotism, the economic development of a market-dominated country also suffers. It can be seen in the corporate World full and the interconnected economic sectors also. 

The history of nepotism is greater in Indian politics regardless of India’s being a democratic nation. Nepotism implies defilement. That’s the reason for a kind of government is “contaminated” with nepotism.

Aishwarya Says:

I have always been against Glorifying Over Work and therefore, in the year 2021, I have decided to launch this campaign “Balancing Life”and talk about this wrong practice, that we have been following since last few years. I will be talking to and interviewing around 1 lakh people in the coming 2021 and publish their interview regarding their opinion on glamourising Over Work.


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In the year 2021, we wrote about 1000 Inspirational Women In India, in the year 2022, we would be featuring 5000 Start Up Stories.

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