There is no doubt that movies are the mirror of the society , movies reflects our society and their life’s . Movies shows that what are the conditions of the society and their expectations . There are many movies which are made on different different situations of the social life . Movies are the part of the human life . Article 19 ( 1 ) ( a ) of the Indian constitution gives freedom of speech and expression to its citizens so the producer of movie has also this fundamental rights that he or she can make movie to using their right to freedom of speech and expression . No doubt there is many movies which reflects the social life in actual form . Movies as the practical , as a law student , I felt that when my teacher delivering their lectures then they give movies examples because of movies is the best example because of every student watched that then they can easily connect law with that .
Positive things with movies :-.
This is good thing that movies inhanced our thinking power and make eligible to us to know more about the social and political life . Movies also inhanced our practical skills. Movies also inhanced our personality and communication skill because of when we watched our favourite actor or actress then we follow them and make or build up our personality like them. Movies also shows that where is the issue in the society . And how can be better it .
Negative things with movies :-. At present we can analyse that there is many loopholes in the Indian movies . There are many movies which make on the particular religion or target a specific religion or caste so this is loopholes because of this create conflict in the society and negative impact on the human mind . Under Article 19 (1) (a ) of the Indian constitution which provides us freedom of speech and expression but there are some reasonable restrictions on this fundamental rights which are mentioned in Article 19 ( 2 ) . But in current scenario there is many Movies which are not followed this restrictions . There are many obscene movies , defamatory movies , also like this .
So there is need to improvement in this loopholes . There is need to make movie on actual social life problem with solutions and not make this against the morality. Movies must be on science , law and awareness form which aware the society .
Aishwarya Says:
I have always been against Glorifying Over Work and therefore, in the year 2021, I have decided to launch this campaign “Balancing Life”and talk about this wrong practice, that we have been following since last few years. I will be talking to and interviewing around 1 lakh people in the coming 2021 and publish their interview regarding their opinion on glamourising Over Work.
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