I was in my second year of my BBA LLB course when I missed my periods previously I used to have irregular periods, so basically all students experience a change in their lifestyle after going in Hostels to name a few — Irregular food habits, late night movies, exam preparations, not maintaining a proper sleep cycle, stress factors etc and prior to the diagnosis of my PCOS I couldn’t have ever imagined that how crucial it can be to maintain a proper lifestyle.
So, PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome manifests in the female body as a result of hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of PCOS are irregular or scanty periods, over bleeding, facial hair, thinning of scalp, obesity. The first ever case of PCOS was detected in 1935 and today there are more than 10 million women suffering from it. Every 90 out of 100 women are diagnosed with this syndrome, in India one out of every five women is a PCOD patient; it has become the leading reason of female infertility in today’s world.
Although according to science it’s said that there is no permanent cure but by maintaining a proper routine one can get rid of this hormonal imbalance. I was suggested to follow a few steps, and make a routine for my well being and today surprisingly I’ve really benefitted and I have to no more depend over pills which only pacify the symptoms and don’t even tap the root cause, in order to get my periods regularly. So by following those similar steps and being regular in maintaining a proper lifestyle anyone can cope with this problem.
So in this article I’ll give a clear roadmap of all the lifestyle habits that one needs to maintain:-
Stop eating packed and processed foods for a while and switch to fresh homely food.So many youngsters who are miles apart from their homes may find this hard to maintain and so in order to find a quick solution to hunger most of the times depend upon packed goods that are readily available in the market, but if you are serious about this problem and find a permanent solution then you ought to stop consuming all such unhealthy foods, one can eat freshly made healthy warm food which is healthy for one’s health as well as plays a pivotal role in maintaining hormonal balance in the body.
Maintain a healthy plate method
Fill half of your plate with vegetables which is fresh and raw, and one fourth of your plate with protein rich food such as dal, lentils, green peas, etc. and the other one fourth with carbohydrate rich foods like rice, chapatti or millets this way one can maintain a balanced diet. Have one teaspoon of cow ghee in empty stomach it plays a huge role while treating PCOS. Make sure that you also consume fermented food like curd, paneer, dosa, sprouts which gives an abundant supply of Vitamin B12 which is very important for ones ovaries.
Consume seasonal fruits also make sure that you consume fruits only during day time.
Plastic when comes in contact with the food then it releases chemicals like Xenoestrogens into the food which are very similar to the Estrogen hormone which is produced by our endocrine and alter the normal functioning of the body hormones and therefore messes up with the hormonal balance.
Allot at least half an Hour for daily exercise, do full body workout, skipping, yoga (butterfly posture, kapaalbhati and anulombilom) which are very helpful in curing PCOS.
the thing that I’ve already mentioned before that irregular bed time, late night phone calls with our dear ones, late night movie shows these can initially be very enjoyable but can make the conditions of your hormones worse if they are already a bit off, proper sleep is very crucial for the absorption of minerals in your body and maintaining a proper hormonal balance. So it’s highly recommended to sleep and wake up at the same time everyday, best time to sleep is between 9PM to 6AM and this time should be maintained regularly no matter what if you want to stay hormonally vibrant.
Following all these points and bringing about a change in the lifestyle one can be able to root out the problem of PCOD within 6 Months. So, it’s your call if you want to live with this curse for life or maintain these few steps and bring about a change effectively.
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